
Download the Desktop app

To use Rise can download our desktop app. Our app supports macOS (Apple Silicon and Intel), Microsoft Windows and Linux.

Some advantages of the Desktop app:

  • It’s faster
  • It has notifications
  • It comes with a menubar app that shows you when your meetings are about to start

Rise on Linux

We provide the Rise desktop app as an AppImage for amd64 (x86_64) architectures. It should work on most common Linux distributions, but you may have to set up some dependencies.

  1. AppImages need FUSE to be installed, which should come out of the box with most distributions. If not, follow the guide for your distribution here.
  2. 💾 Download the Rise desktop app here
  3. Make the file you just downloaded executable: chmod +x Rise-x.xx.xx.AppImage (replace with the version you’ve downloaded)
  4. In order for Rise to integrate with your desktop environment, install AppImageLauncher. This makes sure that Rise appears as an application in your launcher or app menu, and that it starts correctly when you log into Rise with your browser. Follow the guide to install AppImageLauncher.
  5. Double-click the Rise AppImage, or execute it using a terminal: ./Rise-x.xx.xx.AppImage
  6. Follow the prompts to integrate Rise with your system